Thursday, October 1, 2020

Joe Biden is the nasty poor tempered candidate; not Trump

 During the debate the worst thing Trump said about Biden that wasn't stating a fact was when he called Biden "not smart" but given that Biden has lied about how smart he is, by claiming he finished in the top of his law school class when he finished very near to the bottom, it's not entirely baseless.

On the other hand here's a list of what Biden said about Trump:

  • "He's a fool on this."
  • "Everybody knows he's a liar."
  • "Will you shut up, man?"
  • "Keep yapping, man."
  • "He's the racist."
  • "He's Putin's puppy."
  • "He never keeps his word."
  • "Well, it's hard to get any word in with this clown."
  • "You're the worst president America has ever had."

Not only are they all uncivil insults many of them are factually incorrect.

There's no evidence that Trump is a racist but we do know that Joe Biden said that Blacks are only Black if he, Joe, approves of their political opinions.  On the other hand here's Trump showing his racist side:

Similarly if Trump is Putin's puppy then Obama/Biden were Putin's lap dogs:


  • Made a deal to let Iran, Putin's ally, develop nuclear weapons
  • Let Russia take over in Syria
  • Reset US relations by ignoring Putin's imperialism in Georgia; the country
  • Asked Putin to help him get elected and when elected canceled a missile defense program Putin didn't like
  • Refused to provide lethal aid, weapons, to Ukraine to resist Putin's invasion
  • Let the American military get weak
  • Let America stay dependent on foreign energy sources


  • Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending
  • Provided weapons to Ukraine
  • Got Germany to not make a huge natural gas deal with Russia
  • Increased sanctions on Russia
  • Took action against Iran, Putin's ally
  • Strengthened the US military
  • Increased American energy independence

The debate was a mess not because of Trump but because of Wallace and Biden. The first interruption was by Biden, not Trump.  Wallace interrupted Trump more than 4 times as often as he interrupted Biden.

Trump, unlike Paul Ryan when he debated Biden in 2012, didn't sit back and let the two Democrats attack him and ignore the rules with impunity; he fought back which is what we want in a President.

Joe clearly lost his temper in the debate Trump didn't.

We do have an uncivil man running for President; Joe Biden.


Anonymous said...

A classic deceptive post. Lots to dissect but let's just look at the deception/omission in your Russia list.

> Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending

Trump has fractured NATO. He cut US spending on NATO. Our allies in NATO are annoyed. Multiple news reports suggest Trump has floated the idea of withdrawing from NATO which isn't surprising since he called it "obsolete". He also suggested he would not honor the NATO treaty and aid Montenegro if needed. NATO is not stronger under Trump.

> Increased sanctions on Russia

This happened because his hand was forced by veto proof majorities in congress. He actually tried to block this several times and stalled the efforts.

> Increased American energy independence

Totally irrelevant to Russia. We don't import much russian fuel and our net imports were already way down by the time he took office. The vast majority of our imported fuel is from Canada/OPEC.

Some things you totally failed to mention: Trump did nothing since Putin assassinated another critic, tried to get Russia back into the G8, left Russia to control the Syrian-situation, did nothing in response to Russian bounty program, failed to criticize Russia for interfering with our election (and took forever to even acknowledge it), and this ignores his constant bizzare praise for Putin and repeating Russian talking points and doubting our intelligence agency's findings.

And this is ignoring the damning things said by Bolton about Trump on Russia.

trinko said...

It was nice of you to label your comment as deceptive.

1) NATO spending has gone up because of Trump. NATO members aren't happy about having to pay for their own defense so they're upset. You're complaining about Trump putting the US first.

2) So you agree that more sanctions were placed on Russia and that Trump did nothing to stop them. Further you show no indication that he objected

3) Given that Russia is a major energy exporter and that Democrat run NY is buying natural gas from Russia and that the US exporting energy drives down energy costs yes energy independence does impact Putin.

Russia is in charge of Syria because Obama told them to be in charge. Trump refused to get us into another forever war, something you apparently like.

The bounty program was never even briefed to him since the IC didn't have sufficient evidence and just last week US military command said they hadn't found any evidence of it.

He did criticize Russia but of course given that Hillary actively paid Russians for fake dirt she used in the election you clearly really don't care about Russian interference. Oh and the primary source for the Steele dossier, which Hillary paid for, turns out to have been a Russian asset.

Bolton hates Trump's guts and he's a big fan of new wars so forgive me if I don't assume everything he says is true

Anonymous said...

> You're complaining about Trump putting the US first.

No? I was complaining he weakened NATO. I like how you didn't even reply to the bulk of my comments about NATO.

> So you agree that more sanctions were placed on Russia and that Trump did nothing to stop them

No? I said he did try to stop them. Here's just one example of him being overruled by congress. There are more but I won't bother citing them since you don't click links.

> Given that Russia is a major energy exporter and that Democrat run NY is buying natural gas from Russia and that the US exporting energy drives down energy costs yes energy independence does impact Putin

At best very circularly. NY's imports of natural gas from Russia are minuscule in the scheme of things (as are all of our imports from Russia). Natural gas is hard to transport which is why pipelines are relevant. And again Trump doesn't get credit for the rise of fracking which happened and boomed under Obama. As I said imports were already far down when he took office.

> Russia is in charge of Syria because Obama told them to be in charge. Trump refused to get us into another forever war

Yeah, citation needed dude. Also wait, are you glad Russia is in charge of Syria or not? You can't say it's good that we didn't get involved and blame Obama for out lack of involvement.

> He did criticize Russia but of course given that Hillary...

Ding ding ding. Irrelevant whataboutism. Why are we talking about Hillary? She isn't even running. And if Hillary was a puppet of Russia one wonders why Putin worked so hard to prevent her election...

> Bolton hates Trump's guts and he's a big fan of new wars so forgive me if I don't assume everything he says is true

True, Bolton is a terrible guy. Why did Trump hire him again? Oh, right he is a terrible administrator who repeatedly hires crooks. But I trust Bolton's word over Trump's (a known liar that a mere 35% of Americans call "trustworthy").

And of course you ignored many of my points. G8? Assasinations? Repeating Putin's talking points?

Anonymous said...

oh no. polling data against suggests you are wrong (we already knew polls said people thought Trump lost).

Is Trump a bully?! Say it ain't so.

trinko said...

So wait the truth doesn't matter only polling matters?

That's odd but not unexpected.

Anonymous said...

There is no "truth" to someone being a bully. There's no scientific test for "bully-ness". You are a bully if you are perceived as one.

trinko said...

Ok so the fact that I think Biden is a bully makes him a bully? Good to know.