Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Joe Biden says the majority of Americans shouldn't vote for him

Joe Biden was so shocked that he was asked a hard question he actually told the truth.

Joe was asked:

I want to talk a little bit about the economy. Gallup reported last week, 56% of Americans said that they were better off today than they were four years ago, [which] would have been under the Obama-Biden administration. So why should people who feel that they are better off today, under the Trump administration, vote for you?

Joe's response was:

“Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t,”

So there you have it. Joe is telling you not to vote for him if Trump's tax cuts and the resulting Trump economy has been good for you. 

If you are glad you're no longer paying nearly $5/gallon for gas like you were when Joe was VP.  

If you like the fact that your manufacturing job has come back from overseas. 

If you like record low unemployment.

If you like the fact that the Federal government is no longer going after you if it doesn't like your religious beliefs.

If you like the fact that instead of giving Iran billions of dollars knowing that some would be used for terrorism we now kill Iranian terrorist masterminds.

By every economic and social measure we're better off now than we were under Joe Biden's rule. And he's been clear he's going back to the failed economic policies and oppressive anti-1st and 2nd Amendment policies that Obama championed.

So listen to Joe. If you are better off then don't vote for him.

Joe went on to say, in what has to be the best joke he's ever told:

“Well, their memory is not very good, quite frankly. ”

The same day that Joe told 56% of Americans that their memories aren't good he said he was running for the Senate and couldn't remember Mitt Romney's name.

Joe forgets lots of things, most of the time so the idea that you correctly remembering the 8 horrible years he was VP incorrectly is a real knee slapper.

One last thing; if Joe had been President Bin Laden would still be alive, Joe recommended against the raid that killed Bin Laden.


Anonymous said...

>If you are glad you're no longer paying nearly $5/gallon for gas like you were when Joe was VP.

Fact check: In 2016 average national gas price was roughly $2.2. In 2019 it was $2.9 (2020 isn't over but recessions do wonders for gas prices).

That was easy. Let's try another.

> By every economic and social measure we're better off now than we were under Joe Biden's rule

Ok, let's check the unemployment rate. Ok yeah obviously not low. I've already pointed out GDP growth. Hmmm, COVID deaths? Those are way up since 2016. And Trump keeps telling me crime is way up. Maybe health insurance prices? Didn't Trump say he had a plan there? Nope those keep going up. Maybe the debt/deficit improved? The GOP is all about decreasing that. Oh wow, no that got way worse. Man, every economic and social measure? Are you sure?

Anonymous said...

Wait, no I got it! The trade deficit. Trump was all about getting that down, right? Let's see it was -735,326.2 million in 2016 and ... uh oh ... -854,370.6 in 2019. Man did Trump do anything?

trinko said...

So you're comparing Trump in COVID to Biden not in COVID? sure.

And health insurance prices are high due to Obamacare which Joe supported.

Debt is high because of COVID

Yeah after 8 years of incompetent economic policy Obama got gas prices down. With Biden's energy policies gas prices will go up.

Remember how Dems keep telling us CA is what America will be like if they're in power; we pay more than $1/G more than the rest of the country

Anonymous said...

> So you're comparing Trump in COVID to Biden not in COVID? sure.

Er, no. Learn to read. Some of my comparisons were to 2019 and some were to 2020 (the year isn't over so full data isn't available for 2020).

> And health insurance prices are high due to Obamacare which Joe supported.

No I heard Trump was going to repeal and replace Obamacare. That happened right? I mean he had full executive/legislative control.

> Debt is high because of COVID

Debt/deficit was high before Covid. Check your facts.

> Yeah after 8 years of incompetent economic policy Obama got gas prices down. With Biden's energy policies gas prices will go up.

So you're admitting your gas price example was wrong? Also, I'm confused are low gas prices the result of good economic policy or bad economic policy? You said low gas prices were good but now you're saying it was the result of bad policy...

> Remember how Dems keep telling us CA is what America will be like if they're in power; we pay more than $1/G more than the rest of the country

CA gas is expensive because of taxes/regulations on gas. These taxes are good because they encourage people to do things that reduce pollution.