Saturday, October 17, 2020

The #FakeNewsMedia is biased against Catholics: Carl Hulse & Maureen Dowd edition

Dowd is a New York Times columnist and Hulse is the NYT's chief Washington corespondent.

While these two say they're Catholic they clearly don't like Catholics who actually believe in what the Church teaches especially about abortion.

In fact they view faithful Catholics as part of a "deep state" that has "infiltrated" the Supreme Court.

Never mind that every judge, honest and dishonest, on the Court was approved by the Senate as required by the Constitution.

When interviewing Hulse Dowd said:

“Reading your book, I began worrying about the Catholic deep state, all kicked off by the death of [Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia] while at the ranch of ... 'a well-heeled Catholic outdoorsman.'”

She went on to say:

“Is this a Dan Brown novel that ends in the Vatican?” 

Hulse demonstrated his disdain for faithful Catholics by saying:

“It’s just a fact, hard to explain. I honestly think that anti-abortion ideology is part of this, but there is a serious Catholic sort of mafia, which is probably not another term I should be using, that is driving this.”

Can you imagine if there were a lot of Jews or Protestants on the Court what the outcry would be if those people were attacked this way?

What sort of Catholic calls equates fellow Catholics with the Mafia?  Well a "catholic" who believes that it's ok to murder the unborn.  The Catholic Church has condemned abortion since the 1st century when the Didache says:

“you shall not abort a child or commit infanticide.”

Like Joe Biden these two NYT "catholics" get their morality from the DNC and the left not from the Catholic Church.  Sure they believe in God but they also believe He should know His place and not try to dictate morality to such enlighten persons as themselves.

One thing is clear that if Hulse thinks that there's a Catholic Mafia in the Supreme Court nothing Court related that he reports on can be trusted.

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