Wednesday, October 14, 2020

King Biden says we peasants don't deserve to know what he's up to

 Biden has gotten a lot of flak from honest people over his statement that we the people don't deserve to know whether or not he intends to shred the Constitution by packing the Supreme Court with Democrat loyalists who will rule the way the DNC wants irrespective of what the Constitution says.

But that's not the first time Biden has said that we the people don't deserve to know what he's up to.

When Biden was credibly accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade--now there's a story the #FakeNews media have black holed--Tara said that there could be notes taken by a Biden staffer in Joe's Senate records.

An innocent man who wanted to prove his innocence would have let impartial third parties search through his records to show that no such paper trail existed.

Instead Joe said no way no how. The fact that he didn't try to clear himself is strong indication that he was guilty of the assault, remember that 8 women have accused him of inappropriately touching them--another story the propagandists in the #FakeNews media have hidden away.

But here's Biden's explanation of why he wouldn't let people look at his Senate records:

"The fact is, that there’s a lot of things that of speeches I’ve made, positions I’ve taken, interviews that I did overseas with people, all of those things relating to my job. And the idea that they would be made public and the fact while I was running for public office, they could be really taken out of context. The papers are position papers, they are documents that existed and that for example when I go, when I met with Putin or when I met with whomever. And all of that to be fodder in a campaign at this time,"

What he's saying is that if we the people saw what was in his records we'd be less likely to vote for him. 

That's been his position on the court packing question; he says if he says what his position is it will hurt his campaign.

Essentially King Joe says that we the people won't vote for him if we knew what he was really doing so we shouldn't be allowed to know what he's doing.

King Joe clearly thinks he should rule over us not represent us. After all how can people vote for him to represent them if they don't know what he's done or will do?

We all know how the "we have to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it" thing worked out for us so it's not a good idea to elect a candidate who comes out and says we don't deserve to know what his positions on issues are.

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