Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Treasury Department confirms that Hunter Biden got $3.5M from Russian oligarch Elena Baturina

 When Joe Biden was Vice President his son Hunter got a wire transfer from the billionaire wife of the former mayor of Moscow Elena Baturina.

The Treasury Department has confirmed this despite Joe Biden falsely saying that the claim had been discredited in the first debate.

Biden also denied that his son relieved millions from the Chinese Communist government but it's a matter of public record that his company was given $1.5B by Xi Jinping's government to invest.  When people manage billions of dollars like that they get commissions on the order of tens of millions of dollars.

Of course Joe says that Hunter getting money from the corrupt Burisma company in Ukraine while he, Joe, was in charge of US relations with Ukraine is no problem either.

But we now know that not one but two Obama officials raised concerns about Hunter being paid by a corrupt company creating the impression that Joe Biden was buyable and that that would adversely impact the US efforts to reduce corruption in Ukraine even if Biden wasn't taking bribes.

Despite that Joe allowed Hunter to keep being paid off by Burisma.

Of course we know that when Burisma was being investigated Joe demanded that the prosecutor be fired and got what he wanted.

Contemplate for a moment what the media would do if it turned out that Trump Jr got a $3.5M check from a Russian oligarch.

CNN, MSNBC, etc would have wall to wall 24/7 coverage demanding that Trump be impeached and indicted immediately.

But since it's the Biden family getting the foreign millions the #FakeNews media doesn't even ask Joe any hard questions about the obvious corruption.

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