Saturday, October 31, 2020

White Democrats say they can define who is Black and who is a woman

 Joe Biden is on record as saying that Blacks who don't agree with him aren't really Black.

We also know that Democrats reject the settled science that in order for a man to become a woman he has to change his DNA.  They in fact say that a woman is any human being who says they're a woman.

But recently they've amended that a bit. A human being who says they're a woman, and is a woman in the case of Amy Coney Barrett, but who doesn't endorse white male Democrat backed policies, like abortion for any reason at any point and shortly after pregnancy, isn't really a woman like RBG was.

This is the ultimate conclusion of the Democrat's 1984 word redefining machine; who we are is defined by powerful white Democrats not reality.

Democrat politicians don't want to represent you; they want to rule over you and force you to live the way that they want you to live.

Joe Biden wants to force Catholic nuns to cooperate in providing contraception and abortion inducing chemicals and his base cheers him for it.  No one forces anyone to work for Catholic nuns and contraception isn't healthcare because pregnancy isn't a disease.  Yet Joe thinks that we the people have no right to exercise our faith in direct contradiction to the Constitution which says we do.

There is no aspect of your life that Democrats don't feel able and justified to control.

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