Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Teacher's unions don't care about students: Chicago edition

 In Chicago public school teachers average more than $70,000 a year.

That despite the fact that they're failing most students and most especially Black students of whom only 17% test at grade level; more than 50% of white students test at grade level.

But now while private schools in Chicago are opening up the teacher's union is working hard to keep Chicago schools closed.

Given that Sweden has never shut its schools and the teachers had no higher mortality rates than IT workers it's clear that the teachers are just trying to avoid work not actually protect anyone.

Older teachers, say those above 50, who are at a higher risk from the China virus should be protected but there is absolutely no reason for the vast majority of teachers to avoid classes.

For many poor Black kids the schools are where they get meals and where violence against them can be detected. By keeping those kids home they're denied meals and no one will know if they're being abused.

Meanwhile white kids in private schools are getting a safe eduction. Sounds racist doesn't it?

Pediatricians have repeatedly said that kids will suffer more if the schools are kept closed but the teachers don't seem to care.

Apparently the teacher's union believes that the suffering their students will go through is an acceptable price to ensure that teachers get what they want.

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