Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Cowardly Democrat mayor of Chicago blames other for her failure

The mayor of Chicago who presides over the mass shooting of Blacks wants to blame Republicans for her failure to protect Chicago Blacks.  That's important to her since she doesn't want Blacks to think that she's letting them down.

She's using the old argument that 60% of the guns seized in Chicago come from outside the city so that it's not Chicago's fault. Of course given that nearly 3000 Blacks are shot in Chicago each year even if all the out of city gun are eliminated that would mean that 1200 Blacks would be shot year after year.

Apparently she thinks that if only a thousand Blacks are shot in her city each year it's ok.  That sure sounds racist to me.

Of course her reasoning is faulty.  All those states run by "cowardly" Republicans somehow manage to avoid having thousands of Blacks shot each year even though they are, in comparison to Chicago, awash with guns.

It's not guns that are the problem in Chicago; it's that the gangs who are doing most of the killing bring out the votes for Democrats so that the Democrats who run Chicago are unwilling to reign them in.

The fact that it's Blacks who are being shot and that Democrats tend to be racists is also a factor. Does anyone seriously believe that if nearly 3000 white people were being shot each year in Chicago that the mayor would be doing the same things she's doing now?

It's time for Chicagoans to start demanding that the Democrats who run the place make Black neighborhoods safe.

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