Monday, September 16, 2019

Recent examples of #FakeNews

CNN tried to blame Trump for the need to extract a key asset from Russia even though the reason that the spy had to be extracted was that the US media was investigating the spy and the CIA was concerned that the press, not the president--who was Obama at the time--, was going to put the spy's life at risk.

Politico ran a story about how the Air Force was supposedly rerouting flights so that Air Force personal would stay at a Trump owned resort.  The only problem is that all of the rerouting occurred when Obama was President and only 6% of the Air Force personal who used the airport near the Trump resort stayed at the Trump resort.  Oh and Trump charged the US government $127/night which was the lowest rate in the area.

The New York Times ran an article that said that there was a new sexual harassment charge against Kavanaugh dating back to his freshman year in college.  But they failed to mention that the woman who he supposedly harassed has said that no such event ever occurred.  That this was intentional dishonesty is beyond question since the "reporters" who wrote the article were basing it on a book they'd written and the book said that the alleged victim denied that anything had happened.  Hence the "reporters" deliberately kept that critical information out of their story.

This is just one week's worth of the major lies told by the #FakeNews media. 

Yet the #FakeNews media says that it's Trump who is the threat to a free press in America.

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