Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The #FakeNews media hates good people: Beer guy edition

Carson King held up a sign at a football game asking people to send him money so he could buy beer.

He raked in thousands. But instead of keeping it he went on to raise more than $1.14 million and give it all to a charity.

But a left wing #FakeNews "reporter", Aaron Calvin of the Des Moines Register, discovered that when Carson was a sophomore in high school he made a few tweets that were intended to be funny but which could be construed as racist.

Carson apologized but in recognition of the fact that he is the only person in America who said something offensive when they were in high school Anheuser-Busch who had been matching the contributions to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics stopped associating with Carson.

What sort of monster would dig up this sort of thing and then use it to attack someone who'd just given more than a million dollars to help the poor get good medical care?

Given that studies have shown that leftists are less likely to give either their own money or their own time to help the poor perhaps Aaron was just trying to drag down someone who is better than he is.

Whatever the reason it's clear that Aaron and his editors are sick people whose first thought is to destroy innocent people who are doing good rather than to praise people for the good they do.

What's interesting is that the #FakeNews media went into a tizzy when people complained that Obama used illegal drugs as a kid because that was in the past. Similarly the #FakeNews media defends "reformed" terrorists like Obama's mentor Bill Ayers.

But let an honest charitable American make one slip and the #FakeNews media will never say it's in the past.

Too bad Carson's high school mistake wasn't belonging to Antifa and beating some conservative with a baseball bat; that's something that the #FakeNews media would gladly ignore.

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