Only 0.3% of abortions are because a woman's life is at risk and only another 1.4% of abortions are due to less serious health issues. Rape is the cause for 0.14% of abortions and incest for 0.01%.
That means that more than 98% of abortions are because a woman had consensual sex but then decided to kill her unborn child because she feels that child would be a burden. But killing people to avoid the consequences of one's actions isn't healthcare.
Interestingly Democrats also declare that if a gay man wants to fix is genetically disadvantage same sex attraction not only isn't it healthcare; it should be illegal.
Democrats have passed laws that make it a criminal offense to help a gay man who wants to be cured.
Fortunately they're being forced to back off since these laws are a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. The LGBTQ crowd in NYC are asking for the law there to be repealed rather than go to court to defend it because they admit that honest judges won't say that doctors can't talk to gays who voluntarily ask to be cured.
Clearly "healthcare" is whatever Democrats want to push their agenda. Hence it wouldn't be surprising that if they get their government controlled health care that they will choose to not treat people who aren't living the way Democrats want them to live.
Gays who get AIDS through their massively promiscuous lifestyle will get all the healthcare they need while smokers and people who are overweight will be denied care.
Democrats are all for massive promiscuity but they condemn over eating and smoking. So if you're on the wrong side of what they approve of you have good reason to fear if they get their way and gain complete control over your healthcare.
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