Saturday, September 21, 2019

Democrats say we can't deport 11,000,000 illegal immigrants but we can take the guns of 141,000,000 Americans

Democrats have been saying that it's impossible to deport the 11,000,000 -- or possibly 22,000,000--illegal immigrants in America. They argue that we can't remove any if we can't remove them all so we shouldn't even try.

But those same Democrats are cool with our ability to seize the guns of Americans.  43% of American households have at least one gun which works out to 141,000,000 Americans whose guns will have to be confiscated--err bought back--by the Democrats police state.

Democrats have no problem with that.

That's especially surprising given that no such mass confiscation will get all guns. In fact we know that the guns that are actually used in crimes will hardly be impacted.  It's been shown that only 10% of people in prison for gun related crimes or having a gun while committing a crime got their guns legally.

That means that if every honest American is deprived of their legally owned weapons 90% of criminals will still be armed.

If we use that reasoning about illegal immigration it clearly shows that we should at least try and deport as many as we can.  But apparently Democrats only support their own logic when it hurts we the people and it benefits Democrats.

What this all tells us is that Democrats want lots of poorly educated illegal immigrants who will work and vote for them and that Democrats want we the people to be unable to defend ourselves from well armed criminals.

That says a lot about where Democrat's loyalties really lie.

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