Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Democrats only believe some women; namely those who accuse Republicans

Bill Clinton has been accused of rape but Democrats don't believe the woman who says she was raped.

Virginia Democrat Justin Fairfax has been accused by two women of sexually assaulting them but Democrats don't believe those women.

Christian Blasey Ford's good friend says that she not only doesn't remember any incident involving Kavanaugh but that she doesn't believe Ford's story but Democrats don't believe her.

The woman who was supposedly sexually harassed by Kavanaugh who says that it never happened isn't believed by Democrats.

The woman who accused Democrat Franken of sexually harassing her was believed by Democrats but now they're starting to disbelieve her since they no longer need to sacrifice anyone to win a Senate seat.

No matter how discredited a woman's story is if it says that a Republican is at fault Democrats will pretend to believe it.

No matter how well supported a woman's story is if it says that a Democrat is at fault Democrats will either ignore it or say it's false.

Democrats don't care about women they view women as objects to be used to attack Republicans and help Democrat politicians get more power.

When Hillary was running around proclaiming that we should believe any women, in an attack on Trump, she refused to say that she believed the women who had credibly accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault.

Despite being credibly accused of assaulting two women, neither of whom have any reason to lie about it, Justin Fairfax is enjoying the support, or at least the lack of concern, of Democrats.  Mean while Democrats are calling for the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh even though they now know that this latest charge is bogus.

Similarly even though Ford lied to Congress about her fear of flying, even though her good friend said that Ford's story wasn't credible, even though Ford's story has many huge problems Democrats believe her.

Democrats also believe Deborah Ramirez's claims about Kavanaugh even though even though she herself said she didn't know who exposed themselves to her and no one else who was at the party remembered the incident.  The fact that Ramirez herself has said that she didn't remember the incident until after working with a Democrat lawyer for nearly a week, she even reached out to former classmates saying she didn't remember anything did they? but no one did, doesn't seem to bother Democrats.

The reality is simple. Democrats don't care if women are raped only about how raped women can be used to attack Republicans.

Democrats will believe any story, even one without a victim, if it impugns Republicans but will disbelieve any story, no matter how well supported, if it impugns Democrats.

The one and only thing that matters to Democrat politicians is power.  If ignoring real rapes and pretending that rapes that didn't happen did happen will get them more power they will do so without hesitation.

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