Saturday, September 21, 2019

The left hates God and think that plants are people

Students at the Union Theological Seminary in New York City recently confessed their sins against plants and inanimate things to plants.

Interestingly it would not be shocking if many of those who were confessing weren't also vegans.

Apparently it's ok to slaughter plants for food but not ok to not vote Democrat since that hurts the earth and plants or something.

The idea that we need to be good stewards of the nature that God has given us is perfectly reasonable and something the Catholic Church has advocated for a long time.

That means however that if in fact we do not treat nature properly, say allowing massive forest fires because we don't like the idea of controlled burns, we should be confessing to God not to the plants He created.

This is one more example of how people on the left are denying the humanity of people.

Sane folks realize that there is an intrinsic difference between people and everything else in Creation.

But the left is constantly trying to deconstruct that fact. They're doing the work of Satan by saying that poor black babies are no better than adult chickens or by saying that shooting a person is akin to hurting a plant.

In order to establish a tyranny it's useful for the elites to convince the people that we are inferior; that we have no special value.  When people believe that they're more likely to submit to authoritarian rule.

By dehumanizing humanity the left is setting the groundwork for tyranny.

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