Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bubble people vs we the people: Andrew McCabe edition

When real Americans hear Trump call out Andrew McCabe for his documented bias and corruption we say hooray!

When people who live in the beltway bubble, even normally reliable folks, hear that they say that Trump should be quiet because it will hurt the government's ability to prosecute McCabe.

They say that jurors from the Bubble would be likely to let McCabe off because they'll believe McCabe's claim that he's being prosecuted because Trump is forcing the DOJ to do so and ignore the incontrovertible evidence of McCabe's crime.

That position isn't entirely unreasonable since leftists tend to stick together just as Blacks on OJ's jury stuck together with OJ.

The problem is that the beltway folk don't realize that it's more important for Trump to win the war for the minds of the voters than for McCabe to go to prison.

Voters won't be told by the #FakeNews media that McCabe was a liar who tried to overthrow the US government; they only hear that when Trump tweets.

Given that many otherwise sane people will vote for Democrats when they only know the lies that the #FakeNews media peddles and not the truth the biggest imperative for Trump is to get the truth out there.

In fact if McCabe isn't prosecuted a large fraction of America who have seen the truth will view it as an indictment of the corrupt ruling elites who believe that the law doesn't apply to them.

For too long Republicans in DC have been constrained by their concerns about appearance and haven't realized that they're bringing a meek acquiescence to a gun fight where the left will lie over and over until enough people believe the lies.

Instead of castigating Trump for giving dishonest Bubble people jurors an excuse to let McCabe off the hook we should be shouting out how not indicting McCabe shows that the law only applies to hard working Americans not to our "rulers".

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