Monday, September 23, 2019

The war between gays and the transgendered

Andrew Sullivan is a gay activist and he's pointing out that the transgender mania sweeping the left is a war on gays.

By saying that if a boy is girlish he must be a girl rather than a gay the transgendered movement is, according to Sullivan, pushing the lie that a girly man isn't a man.

He says that if he had been raised in todays environment where parents are putting their children on dangerous drugs because they don't conform to standard gender roles he might not have had a chance to grow up as he should have; as a gay man.

Now of course growing up gay isn't good since same sex attraction is a problem not a blessing.  But that doesn't negate the importance of the point Sullivan is making.

This is one more example of the latest leftists trend crushing the people the left supposedly championed before. For example we're told how much leftists love Blacks, even as leftists ignore the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities and refuse to let Black children get a decent education, but now leftists want more Hispanic illegal immigrants even though the mass influx of cheap low skill labor is hurting Blacks by stealing their jobs and driving down their wages.

The first shots of the gay transgendered war were fired before Sullivan; lesbians objected to biological men marching in parades that were for women.

If you think about it the transgendered movement is a direct attack on the idea of being gay as Sullivan points out.  If men who are girly are in fact women then they can't be gay.

Taking the transgendered ideology to its natural conclusion all lesbians should live as men and all gays should live as women. Hardly something that either gays or lesbians would support.

The question is will the left completely degenerate into feuding factions before or after the 2020 elections?  That it will collapse is inevitable since the entire modern left is constructed of tiny groups who declare that they are oppressed.  So long as the only oppressor is white people the coalition can survive but once the left has taught every little group--gay native Americans--that they are oppressed and society is their enemy they're not about to give an inch to anyone; including other groups of "oppressed" people.

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