Monday, January 7, 2019

Why are Democrats holding government workers hostage for illegals?

While the #FakeNews media is trying to pretend that the shutdown is entirely Trump's fault the reality is that while it's true that Trump isn't willing to compromise on the wall there would be no shutdown if the Democrats were willing to compromise.

The reality is that when two groups disagree on something it's the fault of both groups not just one.  The exception of course is if one group is demanding something insane; like say murdering unborn babies or Jews.

What the #FakeNews media is doing is acting as though enforcing our immigration laws, which were passed by Democrats, is insane.  Basically, as usual, leftists are demonizing any position that isn't theirs.

So let's look at the current "shutdown" from the opposite perspective.

We see that Democrats are throwing their own constituents under the bus in order to benefit illegals.  While it's true that the average American isn't suffering one jot due to the shutdown, since a very large portion of Federal government spending is unnecessary, but Federal employee's aren't getting paid.  True they will probably be paid retroactively, even if they didn't work, but the #FakeNews media bristles when one mentions that in fact for many Federal workers the shutdown will be a paid vacation so let's ignore that.

By refusing to spend $5B on the wall, while increasing foreign aid by $12B, Democrats are putting Federal government workers who are overwhelmingly Democrats throughout he wringer all because Democrats love illegals more than they love Americans.

When we look at the shutdown in that light it's clear that it's the Democrats who are heartless not Trump; for less than 1/2 of the boost in US dollars going overseas that the Democrats are proposing they could end the "suffering" of Federal government workers yet the Democrats refuse to do so.

The $5B that Trump is asking for for the wall is 0.1% of the roughly $4T that the Democrats are planning to spend in 2019 yet they are so cruel, so uncaring that they will subject their own voters to "unimaginable" suffering to protect the "right" of illegals to enter the country and steal jobs from Blacks while driving down the wages of all workers.

Let your friends know that it's clear that all that matters to Democrats is power. They will sell out their own base, in this case Federal workers, in order to ensure that more illegals--who support Democrats through contributions of free labor as in the California ballot harvesting--can enter the country because they know that their base will vote Democrat no matter what and hence allowing more and more illegals will help ensure Democrats get more and more power to control every aspect of our lives.

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