Tuesday, January 8, 2019

"Psychologists" say men are bad but that they can become women.

It's been clear for quite awhile that the Psychological profession in America has been taken over by hedonistic ideologues.

First they declared that being gay was normal even though from a purely secular perspective it's a serious aberration since it prevents a man from sending his genetic material to the future--which is our only purpose if there is no god.

Then they declared that men can will themselves to be women.  It's hard to imagine anything more sexist and misogynistic than saying that a man can become a woman through some plastic surgery and some drugs.

Now they're informing us that the way men have been since the dawn of time is bad.

They seem to forget that without American men we'd all be speaking German or Russian today.  All that these "psychologists" condemn about men is what has made men so critical for the protection and development of society.

Of course nothing about being a woman is ever bad and similarly nothing about being a man who acts like a woman is perfectly fine.

Anything the American Psychological Association says is based not on science but on ideology and a deep seated hatred of real men.

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