Thursday, January 17, 2019

#FakeNews reporter: Ashley Feinberg

Candice Owens is a conservative Black woman who believes in racial equality.

But far left HuffPo "reporter" Ashley Feinberg says:

"I think you’d be kind of hard-pressed to find anyone who would say Candace Owens isn’t far-right, and I think she would agree with that if she was being honest."

"I mean, she would probably call herself a conservative commentator, but either way it’s[far right vs conservative] just a difference of degree."

These comments were in an interview with the CEO of Twitter where Ashley was trying to get the CEO, Jack Dorsey, to say he shouldn't have apologized to Owens Twitter incorrectly labeling her.

It would be interesting to see if Ashley would be bothered if Twitter characterized Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Nation of Islam, as a far left anti-Semite who hates white people.

What's interesting is that Owens is a Black women so what Feinberg is showing is that leftists only like/respect Blacks if Blacks think what white leftists like Feinberg say they should think.

Do you remember the uproar and the accusations of racism the #FakeNews media raised for eight years when anyone questioned Obama's policies?  Yet Blacks are fair game for white leftists if they dare disagree with the ideological descendants of the Democrats who fought to keep slavery legal.

Clearly Feinberg isn't an objective reporter who views her job as giving the people the facts so that they can make up their minds. Rather she wants to ensure that what the people see conforms to what she believes irrespective of the facts.

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