Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Democrats hate you and love illegals

Democrats hate everyone who stands between them and power and by supporting the Wall we put ourselves in their cross hairs.

We saw that in the Schumer/Pelosi show which basically said that the interests of the America people don't matter all that matters is the Democrats desire to be "generous", with other people's money, to the dishonest hordes who want to cash in on the American dream without having paid their dues.

Democrats are unabashedly comparing people who support the wall, and by association any enforcement of our Democrat written immigration laws, to members of the KKK--a group which was founded by Democrats.

Democrat Steve Cohen makes the comparison explicit but other Democrats are using a quote from the Democrat KKK--without of course acknowledging the KKK is a Democrat group-- about building a wall around America.

What they are ignoring is that no one, not even Ann Coulter, is saying that we should end all immigration, as the KKK quote calls for.  The Wall will only stop illegals not the huge number of legal immigrants that the US allows to enter each year.

That is the Wall will only stop the unethical, selfish, criminals who are streaming to America for a hand out.  Note that if a person is in fact a refugee fleeing for their life they will also be admitted so the only people who benefit from the Democrat's open borders are dishonest ones.

There is no doubt that the Democrats are for open borders. The new Democrat darling, Ocasio-Cortez, among many other Democrats has called for the abolition of ICE which means no enforcement of our border.

At the same time Democrats in New York and California are proposing free medical care for illegals. Disabled NYC employee's have to pay significant amounts for their medical care but illegals won't have to pay a dime.  Now that's love for illegals.

Similarly Democrats don't care that a legal immigrant police officer was murdered by an illegal who was in the country after being arrested twice for drunk driving only because of California's sanctuary policy.

Democrats love illegals so much that they work hard to ensure that even illegals who commit heinous crimes after illegally entering the US aren't sent back.  Those same Democrats who tell us, as the governor of New York did, that conservatives aren't welcome in their state.

Why do Democrats love illegals?  Well the obvious reason is that those illegals who aren't voting illegally are providing free ballot harvesting work to ensure that Democrats get power.  Further illegals are poorly educated and come from corrupt countries which means that by and large they're ideal citizens for Democrats who depend on voter ignorance and an acceptance of corruption to get elected.

In any case it's clear that Democrats have chosen a side; they're the heroes of illegals and the enemies of working class Blacks whose wages are suppressed by cheap illegal labor.

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