Saturday, January 19, 2019

Democrats hate people who make the minimum wage

Democrats believe that businesses have machines in their basements which can print money; either that or they believe that every little business owner is making such obscene profits that they can absorb the cost of massive increases in the pay for low skill workers, like busboys, without increasing prices.

Mandating a higher minimum wage, only for US citizens by the way, drives up the cost of doing business and businesses have only two options, cut workers hours or increase prices.

In New York city we see that business owners are doing both neither of which helps workers.

Restaurants in NYC are reducing workers hours and eliminating the lowest skill jobs along with increasing prices in a desperate bid to stay afloat.  One restaurant is having waiters bus tables in order to not have to pay $15 an hour to someone who has absolutely no job skills; a waiter can bus but a busboy can't open a bottle of wine.

Studies have shown and common sense tells us that increasing the minimum wage results in fewer jobs since the amount of money businesses can charge is pretty much fixed. For example if all restaurants increase their prices to cover these new higher labor costs people whose wages haven't increased will eat out less or choose to go to less expensive restaurants driving down the income of those restaurants which in turn will cause them to reduce the number of hours their employees can work.

Democrats don't understand that a business has to turn a profit; they act as though business owners should eschew any reward for their hard work so that their employees can make more money.  It's an extension of the Democrat idea that one can be philanthropic by forcing other people to use their money to help those in need.  By forcing business owners to pay workers more even though that torpedoes their business Democrats feel good about themselves.

They don't care that while they're feeling good about themselves the people they supposedly care about are now more likely to lose their jobs or to get fewer hours.  This is just like Obamacare which drove businesses to reduce the hours workers got each week to below the threshold where the businesses had to pay the amazingly high cost of providing Obamacare for their workers.

In both cases the people the Democrats claimed to care about were hurt but the Democrats don't care because in both cases the objective wasn't really to help those in need, who the Democrats really don't care about, but to make Democrat politicians and the radical Democrat base feel good about themselves.

This attitude is a money maker for Democrats since they tend to give less of their own money to help those in need.  The money they "save" by not helping those in need, including their employees, they can spend on themselves.

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