Saturday, January 19, 2019

Democrats hate Catholics: Hirono edition

Democrat Senator Marie Hirono has declared that the Knights of Columbus(KofC), a Catholic charitable organization, is part of the alt-right.

The KofC is made up of 2,000,000 Catholic men who work to help those in need. In 2017 those "alt-right" fiends provided $185.6 million in donations and 75.6 million hours of service to help the poor and those in need.  Independent Sector, a network for nonprofits, values each volunteer hour as being worth around $24 which means those 75.6 million hours is equivalent to another $1.9 billion in donations.

But all that means nothing to Hirono because she condemns those millions of dedicated hard working generous Catholics because they don't believe children should be killed in their mothers wombs.

If standing up for the right of every child to be born is alt-right then the vast majority of Americans are alt-right; many of those who support abortion say that they would never abort their own baby.

Given that Hirono isn't bothered by the fact that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort their babies than white women or that Jesse Jackson has said that abortion is genocide for Blacks it seems odd that should declare those who think that every baby deserves a life are "alt-right".

If Democrats feel comfortable declaring that anyone who supports the Church's teaching on abortion is alt-right then they should be sure to include all the Democrats who say that while they are personally opposed to abortion they will support it politically. After all the KofC is just expressing the beliefs of Catholics not advocating violence against abortion mills.  If Democrats can say that they personally oppose abortion without being alt-right why can't the Catholic members of the KofC?

The reality is that Democrat politicians hate the Church, and all other conservative Christian groups, because those groups stand up for a morality that Democrat politicians despise and the Church puts limits on the power the government can have, the same limits that our Founders created when they wrote this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

The limit is that the government can't take away the rights that all men and women have been given by God.

If you're a Catholic who has been voting Democrat because you think the Democrats are the party of the little guy perhaps you might want to rethink that.  After all if a leading Democrat Senator says that the KofC is alt-right she can't think much of you.  And if abortion is so much more important to Democrats than the massive charitable outreach of the KofC it's also clear that the Democrats aren't really the party of the little guy.

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