Thursday, January 3, 2019

Fascists take over the House

In the last few years Democrats have demonstrated that they will tell any lie, slander any person, break any law, censor any speech they don't like, and use violence so long as it helps Democrats have more power over our lives.

For two years we've been hearing lies about pretty much everything but most especially about the supposed collusion between Trump and the Russians.  Yet the reality is that there isn't even one shred of evidence of that.  On the other hand Hillary has admitted to paying Russians for unconfirmed rumors about Trump which she first used to try and win the election and that she later used to try and get Trump impeached.

Democrat lies are pervasive.  They lied about Kavanaugh, they lie that the unborn aren't human, they lie about what Obama did, they lie about Bill Clinton, they lie about every policy issue that comes up.  Like the good fascists they are they view truth as a malleable thing which can be constructed at will rather than a simple reflection of reality.  We know that the Democrat leader of the Senate intentionally lied about Mitt Romney not paying taxes and was proud of it.  Similarly the #FakeNews media has been lying non-stop about pretty much any issue so long as their lies helped Democrats.

While Democrats castigate Trump for his tweets, which are at worst petty and uncivil, they're perfectly comfortable with calling vast swaths of Americans homophobic, racist, sexist deplorables and Nazis.

Democrats have clearly rejected the rule of law.  Hillary breaks the law about putting highly classified information on an insecure server and she isn't even interviewed under oath.  General Flynn makes a mistake about what he talked to a Russian about and he's facing jail time.  Obama refused to enforce the law in the case of the Defense of Marriage act, and our immigration laws, the DACA case, and he's applauded by Democrats. Trump enforces our immigration laws, laws passed by Democrats, and he's attacked by Democrats.

Democrats applaud the censoring of opposing voices on the Internet and they are working hard to redefine the 1st Amendment to not cover "hate" speech; that is speech that they don't like.  #FakeNews people like Chuck Todd refuse to allow the voices of scientists who deny the bogus claims of climate change fanatics to be heard.  This is the epitome of fascism; silencing all voices that disagree.  In fact some Democrats are talking about making it a criminal offense to speak out against Democrat policies on the environment and issues like transgenderism.

Antifa and other leftist groups use violence to shut down speech they don't like and Democrats either say nothing or justify the violence.  Just like fascists everywhere.

We're now facing 2 years of anti-American fascists running the House so be prepared for lies and the Democrats demanding a massive increase in the power of government to rule every aspect of our lives.

Keep the pressure on the Republican Senate to not give in to these barbarians who are in the gates.

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