Saturday, January 26, 2019

Abortion hurts everyone

Science unequivocally tells us that in every abortion an innocent human being is intentionally killed.

"Although life is a continuous process, fertilization is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new, genetically distinct human organism is thereby formed.... The combination of 23 chromosomes present in each pronucleus results in 46 chromosomes in the zygote. Thus the diploid number is restored and the embryonic genome is formed. The embryo now exists as a genetic unity."
[O'Rahilly, Ronan and Mller, Fabiola. Human Embryology & Teratology. 2nd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1996, pp. 8, 29. ]

Yet our society tells us that abortion is a wonderful good and Democrats have gone from saying that they want abortion to be legal, safe, and rare to calling on women to boast about their abortions.  How can the killing of an innocent human being ever be good?

Abortion is all about selfishness. Women kill their daughters either because they feel that their daughters would be a burden or because they feel that the pressure from others--the father or their friends/parents/family-- is too hard to endure.

But what about rape or threat to the mothers health? The reality is that less than 0.5% of women who have an abortion say that they've been raped and that less than 1% of women who have an abortion do so because a medical doctor told them it was necessary. Note that 4% of women say they're having an abortion because of their health but in a previous study only 3% of the women who said that they were aborting because of their health were told that they needed to abort by a doctor(3% of 4% is 0.12%.  Also note that if a woman feels that she would be depressed if she doesn't abort that is defined by the Supreme Court as a health based abortion; the woman doesn't need to be at risk of dying.  Hence the vast majority of abortions are about convenience and selfishness not rape or avoiding death. For example 25% of women who abort say that they say that they're doing so because they're not ready for a child.  Interestingly 23% say that they can't afford a child now but given that putting one's child up for adoption doesn't cost anything that's just another example of selfishness.

The pro-life movement rightly recognizes that women who are under tremendous pressure to kill their child deserve our care and sympathy but we shouldn't forget that, except in places like socialist China or for prostitutes who are forced to abort by their pimps, women aren't actually forced to have an abortion. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be sympathetic towards them but it does mean that they are being selfish; declaring that their daughter's life is worth less than the inconvenience she causes them.

By teaching women to be selfish abortion advocates hurt women since we are at our best when we're charitable not when we're selfish.

Abortion hurts women because it let's men exploit women.  Without abortion every time a man has sex with a women he risks, at the very least, 18 years of child support.  With abortion men can use women as objects with no fear of any significant consequences.  Abortion enables men to objectify women rather than requiring them to love a woman enough to commit to her.

Interestingly just as women are complaining more and more about men being unwilling to commit women are also pushing to keep abortion legal.  Historically men committed because they knew that if they wanted sex they had to.  Today however the left's Big Lie machine tells men and women that casual sex is wonderful. But if that's true then why should men commit to women?

Abortion hurts everyone because it tells us that our lives only have value to the extent that our mothers wanted us; that we have no intrinsic value.  Is it surprising that parents will beat the child who just a few months before society told them they could kill?  Is it surprising that in marriages what the parents want has become more important than what's best for the children?  After all if children can be killed at will prior to birth why should anyone think that parents should sacrifice themselves for their children?  

Abortion hurts minorities.  Blacks are 3 times as likely to abort their baby than whites.  Interestingly the leftist media which bemoans any difference in outcome between Blacks and whites has no problem with this disparity.

In the end the only people who benefit from abortion are the men who want women to be available to use but who aren't interested in actually loving women and racists who want to commit what Jesse Jackson called genocide against Blacks.

Point out to your friends that it's a Big Lie that abortion helps women because it only helps women to be objectified and used. A woman in a loving relationship never needs abortion.

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