Wednesday, January 16, 2019

LA teachers prioritize their salaries over students

The LA teachers are on strike because they think they don't get paid enough. However the average LA teacher makes $75k, for working only 9 months, while the average salary in LA is $62k.  So teachers who only work part of the year are paid significantly more than the taxpayer who pay their salaries.

Yet teachers put their own pocketbook ahead of what's best for the students.

Of course a big part of the problem is that in California teachers are not the only people who school districts pay.  While the student population has about doubled since 1950 the number of non-teacher employee's has risen by a factor of 7.  If the number of non-teaches was kept to the same proportion as it was in 1992 every teacher could get an $11k a year raise.

The reality is that Americans pay a lot for public education but since it's run by the government there is no incentive to actually teach kids.  The fact that teachers unions give huge amounts of free labor and money to Democrats exacerbates the problem since Democrats want Americans to be ignorant, if they aren't they wouldn't support Democrat policies, and routing taxpayer money to teachers is great for Democrats since they get a cut.

Everything government does it does poorly precisely because there is no incentive to do it well, other than in the military where lives are on the line.

Government employees rarely lose their jobs no matter how incompetent they are and if they want more money they just raise taxes on the rest of us.  In that environment it's absurd to expect that we'll get high quality products.

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