Thursday, January 24, 2019

#FakeNews media is trying to discourage you because we're winning

I don't know about you but I get discouraged when all the major news media continually lies about pretty much everything from Trump to the Covington kids and when I see that Democrats can say and do anything and be commended while anything Conservatives say is distorted and condemned.

But the reality is that if the left were winning they wouldn't have to lie.  If Americans really bought into the whole massive government, high taxes, less free America that leftists are trying to enact leftists would run on what they believe rather than what they think the people want, for example rather than pretending to be for controlling the border leftists would proclaim that anyone who can walk across the border should immediately become a US citizen able to collect welfare.

If America were really as pro-abortion as the #FakeNews keep saying the media wouldn't have to gin up a bogus account of high school kids being racists to distract the people from the 200,000 strong March for Life.

If the average American really liked what Ocasio-Cortez was selling the media wouldn't have to lie about what she says and refuse to cover the cringe worthy things she says--like facts aren't important.

Similarly if American bought into the hatred of Israel that Democrats like Ilhan Omar spew the media would cover it rather than covering it up.

The reality is that the only reason Democrats win anything is about 30% of the population is too trusting and/or are dependent on government for their next meal.  It's certainly not unlikely that someone who is on welfare will vote for the Democrats who promise they will take more money from the folks who earn it and give it to them.

But lots of people vote Democrat because they've been lied to; it's just the same thing in North Korea, the people have been lied to so much they think they're government is great even as the people starve.  In America those folks are the ones who believe that the Russians tampered with the vote counts, that Trump is on Putin's side, that abortion doesn't kill a human being, that science says we're all going to die in 12 years unless we drastically increase taxes and give Democrats more power, that condemning casual sex is evil, that Jesus taught that we shouldn't judge anyone's actions, etc.  In their world Trump conspired with Russia but Hillary didn't.

  About 20% of the population is the Democrat base who want to abolish capitalism and Democracy and enthrone the elites as our rulers who will ensure that we live our lives the way they know is best for us.

So our job is to get to that 30% and give them the truth. Let people know about your conservatism, that you belong to the Knights of Columbus, that you attend services every Sunday, and that you don't believe the lies told to you by the media.

I remember when Rush Limbaugh went on the air.  Suddenly tens of millions of people were listening to this guy who supported the same sort of things I did.  Prior to that the monolithic left wing media and created the illusion that no one in America was conservative.  Reagan's election was an accident due not to people supporting his vision but to the American people believing his "lies".

The Internet brought about a similar revolution. Like all tyrants Democrats want to keep the people from knowing the truth which is why they're so supportive of any type of censorship.  So the Democrats in Silicon Valley are working hard to censor any voices they don't like.  We must respond by speaking even more on any and all venues we have access to.  The only way to bring the 30% back to reality is to expose them to the truth.

It's easy for Twitter and FB to censor a few voices. But if we all speak the truth to power--the uber rich Democrats-- Twitter can't censor all of us.

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