Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Big Lie: Crimes by illegals edition

Democrats are falsely claiming that illegals commit crimes at a lower rate than Americans.

First even if that were true why would we want illegals in the country if they commit any crimes?  Shouldn't we seek to get law abiding people to immigrate; you know like the 1.3M honest Mexicans waiting to enter the US legally?

But the reality is that the Democrats are conflating legal and illegal immigrants to come up with that claim.

You'll see that a lot in Democrat rhetoric. They act as though people who legally entered the US and those who illegal entered are just the same. Which reflects the deep Democrat belief that laws are only for others and that people who break the law in ways that benefit Democrats shouldn't have to face any penalty.

The truth is that illegals commit crimes at twice the rate of similarly aged American citizens.

Additionally many studies don't count crimes like identity theft, illegal green cards, and welfare fraud or voting illegally.

The simple reality is that we should expect people who have no problem breaking the law to enter the US to be more willing than law abiding legal immigrants to break other laws if it helps them economically.

Yet Democrats will say and do anything to protect illegals because illegals, through illegal voting and by providing free labor, help Democrats get power.  And power over we the people is all that Democrats care about.

[NOTE] I changed the title from illegal crimes to crimes by illegals because all crimes are by definition illegal and the title was confusing. Mea Culpa.

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