Saturday, January 26, 2019

Voter Fraud; a Democrat ideal

I grew up in Democrat run Chicago and the standard jokes was that Mayor Daley was such a great mayor that people came back from the dead to vote for him.

Voter fraud is a key part of Democrat DNA but the #FakeNews media tells us that it's not a problem.

While Democrat states like California make it easy for illegals to vote we're told it's not a problem even though California doesn't do much to keep illegals from voting.  Supposedly the same people who ignore our immigration laws to enter the US to make more money would never think of breaking our election laws to vote for politicians who will give them more money.

In very Red Texas they actually care about restricting voting to US citizens.  But a recent investigation by Texas revealed that 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas and 58,000 of them have actually voted.

Interestingly the response of the left and the #FakeNews media has been to point out that there are actually millions of registered voters so this is no big deal.  The problem is that elections aren't generally won by millions of votes.  For example Al Franken won his set in the Senate, and thereby allowed Obamacare to become law, by a margin of 312 votes.  Since the election 1099 felons have been identified as having voted illegally in that race.  Given that felons lean very strongly towards Democrats, giving new meaning to the phrase "thick as thieves", that means that without voter fraud Franken would have lost and Obamacare would not have passed.

Of course if Texas found 95,000 non-citizen voters we can only imagine how many California would find if they looked. But of course they refuse to do so for the simple reason that non-citizens tend to vote Democrat and Democrats run California.

That's why it took a lawsuit by Judicial Watch to force California to remove 1.5 million in active voters from the voting lists.

The simple reality is that Democrats are fascists who want to rule over the people and as such they are perfectly comfortable with anything that advances their cause.  They rationalize it to themselves by declaring that they're fighting for what's right--things like making sure we the people don't drink too much soda--and hence that good end justifies any means.

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