Thursday, January 3, 2019

Democrat hypocrisy: Dem Hank Johnson vs Trump's tweets

We constantly hear how horrible Trump is for his uncivil tweets.

Yet when a Democrat compares Trump to Hitler it's considered all ok.

Johnson said:

"Hitler was accepting of violence towards the achievement of political objectives; Trump encouraged violence against protesters at his rallies."

Which is a lie.  What isn't a lie is that Democrats have been ok with actual violence by Antifa and other leftist groups.

But then you can't expect fair reporting since NBC News, in reporting Johnson's comments, said:

"Johnson invoked Trump's response to the deadly 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, his Muslim ban, immigration policies and his open embrace of nationalism. "

First there was no Muslim ban. The limited restriction on immigration from certain countries were the US couldn't identify people due to failed or corrupt governments had nothing to do with Islam since 84% of the worlds Muslims weren't impacted but people of all faiths from those countries were.

The reporter also apparently thinks that being patriotic--ie embracing nationalism--is evil.

So whenever some left wing loon whines about Trump's incivility ask him if he condemned Johnson's remarks and if he didn't point out that he's a hypocrite who doesn't care about civility.

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