Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wind energy is slaughtering birds but environmental radicals don't care

In California environmental extremists are putting people out of work and keeping food from being grown because a tiny fish might go extinct.

Yet those same environmentalists, and their friends across America, don't give a darn about Bald Eagles and other birds and bats, which play a key role in the ecosystem, being killed by "clean" wind energy.

Even worse they're calling for a massive expansion of wind power in the US.

In 2019 11% of US power was supplied by renewable energy.  43% of that was biomass which means burning stuff that generates CO2.

Wind provided 2.64% of total US power while solar provided 1%.

Given that ecoextremists object to hydro electric and nuclear power, but want to replaced all fossil fuels with either solar or wind power that means that the total wind power production will have to increase by a factor of around 24.

The number of birds and bats killed is probably only a function of the number of wind towers and their design; density variations of birds and bats will tend to cancel out--some wind sites will have more some will have less.

That means that we need to take the 600,000 birds and multiply by 24 to determine that 14,400,000 birds will die each year in environmental extremist's America.

Similarly we need to take 900,000 bats and multiply by 24 to determine that 21,600,000 bats will die each year in the extremists America.

Yet they don't seem to care.

Clearly they're arguing with their emotions not their intelligence. That's why the reject hydroelectric and nuclear power which don't produce CO2 and which have far more environmentally friendly.

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