Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The #FakeNews media is declaring that Joe Biden isn't mentally competent

Of course the Democrat propagandists who pretend to be reporters aren't actually saying that Joe Biden doesn't have the mental competence to be President.

But they are saying that there should be no debates between Biden and Trump.

Clearly either they think that Biden will be trounced by Trump or that there's a good chance that Biden will have a "kids loved to stroke my leg hairs moment".

Never before have these propagandists condemns presidential debates.

For good reason because debates give the voters a chance to see the candidates positions mostly unfiltered by the media.

But for Biden that's a horrible idea. Biden isn't polling at single digits because the media is carefully crafting a fake Biden through their selective coverage.

The Democrat propagandists would have never said that Obama or Clinton shouldn't debate because those guys were able to articulate their horrible ideas.

Eschewing debates is like buying a shirt over the internet; you don't know if it will fit.

Democrats want us to elect Joe Biden to find out what Joe Biden will do; it's like Obamacare.

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