Thursday, August 6, 2020

Biden is racist: he asks a Black reporter who asked him a tough question if he's been tested for cocaine

This is an amazing example of Biden's racism.

He's asked if he'll take a cognitive test and his response is to say that would be like asking the Black reporter to take a cocaine test and then Biden asks the reporter if he's a junkie.

Conservatives and non-racists in general don't assume that Blacks are all junkies.

Can anyone picture Biden making that comment to a white reporter?

What a normal person would have said was to ask if the reporter needed to have a cognitive test.  If Biden had asked that he'd be making the point that there was no more reason to suspect that Biden is cognitively declining than there was that the reporter was.

But by asking if the Black reporter was a junkie Biden was saying that what comes to his mind when thinking about potential problems Blacks have is drug abuse.

Now that's racist.

We know that Biden's has problems with race based on his past actions.  For example this is what Biden had to say about Obama when Obama first entered the presidential race:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Note that when he said this Allen Keyes, whose Black, and Jesse Jackson, who is Black, had already tried to win their parties nomination for president.

If it isn't racist to think that Obama was the first mainstream African American, whatever that means, who is articulate and bright not to mention clean then it's unclear what is.

Conservatives hated Jackson's politics but we never said he was stupid and unclean.

In any case there's clear evidence that Biden is suffering from a cognitive decline.  The very fact that he refuses to take a test and the fact that he thinks it's smart to compare asking a Black man if he's been tested for cocaine with people asking him to take the same test that Trump has isn't something an intelligent in control person would do.

But of course there are many examples of Biden clearly not being mentally intact. From his talking about kids liking to stroke his leg hairs to awkward silences and saying that the 2020 census was two censuses ago there are plenty of examples of Biden being confused.

Not to mention that in this clip he can't say the word "fitness" without having to close his eyes and concentrate.

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