Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Democrats not only want to defund the police they want more felons in government

Do we really want felons working in the government?

While it turns out that the law allows for checking the criminal record of prospective employees after the first interview the wording of the law is clear; hire felons unless it's going to cause a public scandal.

Don't we have enough Democrat politicians working in the government already?

Democrats love felons because felons vote Democrat because Democrats are all for going easy on felons.

Democrat politicians believe that the suffering of the victims of felons who Democrat politicians put on the street is an acceptable price to pay for more votes for Democrat politicians.

For Democrat politicians it's all about getting power over you not serving or protecting you.


Anonymous said...

the EO does not prevent the government from asking employee about their criminal record. consider reading the actual order https://files.nc.gov/governor/documents/files/EO158-Furthering-Fair-Chance-Policies-in-State-Government-Employment.pdf

trinko said...

But in fact it does say the following:

State employment decisions shall not be based on the criminal history of an individual unless that criminal history is demonstrably job-related and consistent with business necessity associated with the position, or if state or federal law prohibits hiring an individual with certain criminal convictions for a particular position.

So if someone raped a woman but the job he's applying for isn't related to rape his conviction can't be considered.

Further it says that any inquiry into his criminal record can only be done after the initial interview.

Further if you read the Whereas's it's clear the intent is to increase the number of felons in government.

It also says that the State should look into imposing this same sort of hiring requirement on businesses that work for the state.

The intent of the law is clear.

Anonymous said...

that was a very long winded way of saying "you are right".