Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sweden shows that lockdowns aren't the best answer to COVID19

When the China virus hit Sweden told folks that this was going to be a long haul and that people were going to die.

Gatherings of over 50 people were banned and social distancing was encouraged but restaurants and stores stayed open.

This allowed people who wanted to to shelter in place but it meant that young people who were no more at risk than they would be in a bad flu season to keep on keeping on.

Sweden's economy did shrink although significantly less than the shrinkage of countries with sever lockdowns.

Did more Swedes die?  It's unclear.  The death rate per million of Sweden, with no lockdown, is about the same as the death toll from Italy that had a massive lockdown.

That's probably because the primary victims of COVID19 have been the elderly who weren't galavanting about much anyway.

But what is clear is that Sweden is about twice as far along to developing herd immunity which is the only long term way to end the disease.  Which means that what Sweden did was accept deaths now to avoid more deaths later.

In the US Florida avoided lockdowns but New York had a severe one but the daily death toll in NY was much higher than in Florida.  Yet for some reason the media praises Cuomo and condemns de Santis.

UPDATE: Florida did lockdown but it lifted that lockdown and when cases rose Democrats attacked Florida for not locking down again.

But the key point is that New York, whose Governor keeps being praised for his great handling of the pandemic, has about 3 times more deaths per capita than Republican run Florida does.


Anonymous said...

Actually Florida did lock down. In March all Florida restaurants and bars were closed and stay at home orders were issued in the hard hit areas. In April a state wide stay-at-home order was issued and schools were ordered closed for the rest of the school year.

One wonders where you get your facts.

trinko said...

I was referring to the fact that Florida opened up and when cases rose they didn't lock down again. Something people like you attacked Florida for.

Anonymous said...

> I was referring to the fact that Florida opened up and when cases rose they didn't lock down again. Something people like you attacked Florida for.

lol. you are replying to over 1 month old comments?

ok so again you admit your post contains an error. but this time you corrected it (with some nonsense about how you *meant* something correct). well amazing! it's improvement for you.

I also love how you compared Sweden to Italy. Italy was the original poster child for bad handling of the crisis.