Wednesday, August 26, 2020

More proof of CNN's racism

The folks at PowerLineBlog found this great tweet.

When ever a white attacks a Black their race is clearly identified but when a Black guy kills a 5 year old white boy their races aren't mentioned.

This sort of slanted news coverage gets people to believe that only whites attack Blacks, Blacks never attack whites.

A real news source would mention the races all the time.


Anonymous said...

No a real news source would mention race when it's relevant. Like if the event was racially motivated. as in the examples where they mentioned it...

trinko said...

"No a real news source would mention race when it's relevant." sure. :)

And do you know that a black man killing a 5 year old white boy has nothing to do with race?

Anonymous said...

> And do you know that a black man killing a 5 year old white boy has nothing to do with race?

do you have evidence it does? the other tweets all mention racial motive in the tweet. i see no evidence of racial motive for the last case.

trinko said...

So sure a 10 year old girl is guilty of racism according to you but the an adult black man who shoots a 5 year old white boy couldn't possibly have a racial motive.

It's just like if a Democrat is caught in corruption his/her party affiliation is rarely mentioned but if a Republican is caught in corruption their party affiliation is first and foremost.

Anonymous said...

> So sure a 10 year old girl is guilty of racism according to you

Uh, the 10-year old girl used "racially motivated language". So that's obvious evidence of racism. Do you think 10 year olds are immune from racism?

> but the an adult black man who shoots a 5 year old white boy couldn't possibly have a racial motive.

I didn't say it was impossible. I said there was no evidence. When the evidence arrives it makes sense to mention race.

trinko said...

What words did she use and did she know what they meant?

Are you really suggesting that if a random white guy shot a random 5 year old Black boy they wouldn't mention the races of the people?

Anonymous said...

> What words did she use and did she know what they meant?

wow you are dead set on defending this unnamed girl. I don't know. Why don't you do some research and get back to me? (don't worry I know you won't)

> Are you really suggesting that if a random white guy shot a random 5 year old Black boy they wouldn't mention the races of the people?

I'm suggesting they shouldn't unless it was racially motivated or race was relevant somehow. That's how journalism is supposed to work. Mention details that are relevant. Don't mention that the person is catholic unless them being catholic matters to the story.

This "great tweet" shows four examples and I find no fault with any of them. Maybe better examples exist but they aren't here.