Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Public school teacher admits to hiding the indoctrination of kids from their parents.

This man is apparently a public school teacher.

He's saying that many teachers have told their students not to tell their parents about what the teacher is saying.  That's downright scary. It's what a sexual predator would tell kids.

Now this guy isn't a sexual predator but decent people of all political persuasions agree that adults telling their kids to not tell their parents about what the adult told them isn't a good thing.  Apparently however this teacher doesn't agree.

He thinks it's his job to determine what his students believe.

He clearly thinks he's infallible; that what he calls racism is racism, that what he calls homophobia is an irrational fear of gays, that what he calls transphobia is an irrational fear of people who deny science and say that men can become women without changing their DNA.

Further he knows that what he's doing isn't what the parents of his students want.

More importantly he knows that he can't succeed at his indoctrination of students if the students can hear another perspective.

Like most leftists he doesn't want to educate children.  Education means teaching children how to think and how to find information to inform their decisions.  Clearly he doesn't want that otherwise he wouldn't be afraid that parents would find out what he was saying.

What he wants is indoctrination.  That students be told what to think and only given information that supports the "official" leftist position.

He's precisely what teachers shouldn't be and we can only hope that whoever runs the school he's at fires him immediately.

Not because he teaches things we disagree with but because he isn't teaching his students he's indoctrinating them.

If you disagree with that ask yourself this; if a teacher was indoctrinating your kid on issues you don't agree with, like say tax cuts being good if you're a leftist, wouldn't you want them fired?

It's one thing for a teacher to say things that parents don't agree with. It's quite another for a "teacher" to decide that their job is to shape the morals of the students.  Haven't they heard about that wall between Church and State?

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