Saturday, August 29, 2020

Black man tweets a list of some of the unarmed white people the cops have recently killed

Go to this tweet to see the pictures and details of all the unarmed white folk cops have killed.

The point is that cops make mistakes and that if a person resists arrests and/or acts in what could be construed as a dangerous manner they risk being shot irrespective of their race.

Here's the other unarmed whites the cops killed:

November 2019: Robert Sikon after fighting police and attempting to flee
October 2019: Cameron Ely after stabbing his mother to death and pretending to draw a gun
September 2019: Dewayne Morgan after attempting to choke an officer
September 2019: John Carras after choking his wife and fighting with officers
August 2019: Michael Breinholt while handcuffed after attempting to take an officers gun
August 2019: Riley Peay after fighting with officers
August 2019: David Ingle after shaking off a taser and fighting with officers
August 2019: Maggie Brooks; an officer was shooting at a dog that was charging him and hit her
July 2019: Joshua Ortiz after walking out in traffic and fighting officers
May 2019: Luke Patterson after walking down the highway, refusing to cooperate and trying to get into the officer's car
May 2019: Ethan Murray after threatening a group of children, and pulling sunglasses that the officers thought was a knife
May 2019: David West after fighting with officers who were serving a warrant
April 2019: Thomas Verile after telling officers he had a gun and then making a sudden move forward
April 2019: Donnell Lang after being uncooperative while handcuffed and trying to run away--officers thought he had a gun but he didn't.
March 2019: Andrew Mason after refusing to follow commands, knocking a taser out of an officers hands and attacking the officer
March 2019: Tyler Meier after attacking and attempting to strangle an officer
February 2019: Eric Young after refusing to follow commands and walking towards an officer
February 2019: Aaron Przekop after claiming to have a gun, approaching officers and refusing to follow commands
February 2019: Morgan West after resisting arrest and fighting with officers
January 2019: Rhogena Nicolas after being caught in the cross fire of a botched police raid
January 2019: Preston Aszust after fleeing police and the guy he was with shooting at officers
January 2019: Matthew Tuhkanan after being non-compliant and reaching for something in a blind spot
January 2019: Shawn Billinger after first running and then turning aggressively towards an officer

The reality is that unarmed Blacks are no more likely to be shot than unarmed whites according to several studies, one by a Black Harvard professor.

Here's the numbers for 2019:

The whole idea that cops kill Blacks all the time is totally bogus.

Democrats want Blacks to think that cops are the problem when the real problem are all the Democrats who run cities like Chicago where thousands of Blacks are shot year in and year out.

It's clear Democrats are racists because that's the only explanation for why they haven't put a cop on every corner to ensure that the mass shootings stop.

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