Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Nancy Pelosi labels Republicans "enemies of the state": If that isn't fascist lingo I don't know what is

On MSNBC she said:

"They’re doing everything they can, suppress the vote — with your actions, scare people, intimidate by saying law enforcement will be there, diminish the role of the postal system in all of this. It’s really actually shameful. Enemies of the state,”

Can you imagine what Pelosi would say if any Republican labeled Joe Biden an "enemy of the state" for his taking bribes from China?

But more importantly who talks about "enemies of the state"?

Dictators, both Nazis and Communists that's who.

I can't recall any American politician using that fascist phrase before.  

Clearly Pelosi thinks we serve the state and any attack on us is really an attack on the state; her and her establishment buddies.

Its very scary to hear the speaker of the House using rhetoric that has previously only been associated with dictators.

She went on to say that all Republicans are "domestic enemies".

“We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States. But again, let’s just get out there and mobilize, organize, and not let the President deter anybody from voting. And again, support the postal system which is election central,”

This is a woman who refuses to condemn Antifa or the destruction of statues of people like Christopher Columbus by mobs.  Yet because Republicans want voter ID to prevent Democrat voter fraud they're "domestic enemies".

Enemies of who? Not we the people who want honest elections but enemies of corrupt dishonest Democrats.

And since when is the Post Office a key player in elections? The vast majority of voters vote in person and in this time of COVID19 Pelosi has said that riots and mass protests are fine so clearly waiting in a socially distanced line at a polling place is fine too.

Also it's interesting that Pelosi thinks that people will be scared to vote if cops are around. Most people aren't afraid of the police and they will prevent voter intimidation.


Anonymous said...

>But more importantly who talks about "enemies of the state"?
>Dictators, both Nazis and Communists that's who.
>I can't recall any American politician using that fascist phrase before.

via Wikipedia

>The term enemy of the people or enemy of the nation, is a designation for the political or class opponents of the subgroup in power within a larger group ... From his inauguration on 20 January 2017 through 15 October 2019, Trump used Twitter to call the news media the "enemy of the people" 36 times.[53]

But I'm sure you'll find a convoluted way to say "enemy of the state" is unacceptable but not "enemy of the people" even though the latter is even more associated with the soviets.

Anonymous said...

> And since when is the Post Office a key player in elections?


> Five states – Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington – conduct what are commonly referred to as all-mail elections. In these states, voting is conducted primarily, although not necessarily exclusively, by mail

Man you don't know anything do you?

trinko said...

I'm sorry but are you really pretending that you don't know the difference between "enemy of the state" and "enemy of the people"?

Trump is saying that what matters are things that hurt the people whereas Pelosi is saying what matters is what hurts the state--politicians buerocrats basically the Swamp.

So last I heard 5 states are 10% of all states so once again the Post Office isn't a key player. Dems want to make it that so that stye can steal the election, Post Office was found guilty of violating the Hatch act by supporting Hillary in 2016.

Anonymous said...

> I'm sorry but are you really pretending that you don't know the difference between "enemy of the state" and "enemy of the people"?

I'm saying they are often used interchangeably. But I already predicted you'd try to make this silly argument. Both are phrases generally employed by fascists.

> So last I heard 5 states are 10% of all states so once again the Post Office isn't a key player

Yeah, fully managing the election for 5 states and handling over half of CA ballots definitely doesn't make the USPS a key player. Totally optional service. Election could precede without it just fine. Those states could just totally change how they run their elections in a couple months time.

> Post Office was found guilty of violating the Hatch act

No it wasn't. The USPS can't violate the hatch act since it's an agency not a person. Plus if you actually cared about the hatch act you'd condemn the Trump administration whose members have repeatedly violated the act. Hell, Kellyanne Conway violated the Hatch Act dozens of time. The Office of Special Counsel recommended her removal and nothing was done. Really, it's hard to find anyone in the administration that hasn't violated the Hatch Act at some point.

So please spare me whatever pointless conspiracy theories you have about USPS violating the hatch act.

trinko said...

Nope. Only fascists and tyrants use "enemy of the state"

Sorry but the IG found that the Post Office violated the Hatch Act by forcing mangers to give leave to workers so they could work on the Clinton campaign despite that leaving them understaffed.

No conspiracy theory; just facts.

Anonymous said...

> Nope. Only fascists and tyrants use "enemy of the state"

Uhm, did I say anything to disagree with that? I mean it's not true but it's totally unrelated to the discussion. But if you really want a counter-example then here is one. Unless you think Mark McGowan is a tyrannical fascist...

> Sorry but the IG found that the Post Office violated the Hatch Act

You may see people summarize it as such but it is not the case. The hatch act applies to individuals not agencies (which was my point). It is impossible for the USPS to violate the hatch act.

It's ironic you are pushing this point now as we literally saw multiple hatch act violations during the RNC but of course you don't actually care about the hatch act. And we know Trump doesn't care either as he gutted the oversight infrastructure and ignored his staff's violations.

You just want a reason to dislike the USPS at the moment and are embarrassed you didn't know how much we already rely on it for our elections.

trinko said...

Well I don't follow Australian politics but I'd have to say that I'd wonder about McGowan. Glad you agree with me the there are no examples of Americans using the phrase.

Once again you use minutia to avoid the truth. The IG found that the Post Office had illegally aided the Clinton Campaign. That's the point which you wish to avoid having to admit.

No Hatch act violations by the RNC.

I don't dislike the USPS. I was just pointing out the fact you want to hide; it's an ideologically biased organization which is willing to break the rules to help Democrats.

I'm sure if in 2016 the USPS had helped Trump you'd be all upset

Anonymous said...

> Glad you agree with me the there are no examples of Americans using the phrase.

Obviously never said this. I mean we already have an example of an American using the phrase...

>Once again you use minutia to avoid the truth

Once again you call your error minutia to avoid admitting your errors.

> The IG found that the Post Office had illegally aided the Clinton Campaign

It found some employees of the Post Office violated the hatch act when approving unpaid leave for workers.

> No Hatch act violations by the RNC.

Correct. But people committed violations during the convention (and pretty blatantly too).

> ideologically biased organization which is willing to break the rules to help Democrats

I mean it's run by a Trump appointee right now...

I'm glad to see you gave up on trying to argue that the USPS isn't a key player in the election though.