Sunday, August 9, 2020

Joe Biden isn't against God he just wants to make sure He knows His place

President Trump said that Joe Biden is against God.

That's absurd.

Joe Biden is very pro-God. But Joe wants to make sure that God knows what His place is.

For example Joe won't let God define what is moral and what isn't; that's the Democrat party's job.

Joe's a Catholic.  Which means he knows that abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human being and hence, according to God--at least the God Joe believes in--, abortion is murder.

But Joe knows that it's not God who defines morality but the Democrat party.

After all didn't Hillary say that God is going to have to change what He teaches to conform to what Democrats define as moral when she said:

" And deep seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."

Since Joe knows that it's the party that defines morality, not God, he has no problem taking positions that directly contradict what he believes God teaches.

The only other option is that Joe is a Catholic In Name Only who doesn't actually believe what the Church teaches.  It's fine to reject what the Catholic Church teaches but we have a name for those sorts of Christians; Protestants or Orthodox.

But Joe doesn't say he's a Protestant; he says he's a Catholic.

The only possibility then, other than that Joe is lying about being Catholic, is that Joe knows what God teaches but doesn't think he has to follow that because he doesn't believe that God has the last word on morality.

Which makes sense since the defining characteristic of Democrats like Joe is that they believe they know how to run everyone's life because they're better than us.  After all if they're better than all of humanity it's not that great of a leap for them to think they're better than God. 

At least not if Joe doesn't think God is an all powerful all knowing being Who is never wrong.  Clearly if someone thought that God was all knowing then they'd never say He's wrong would they?

The bottom line is simple Joe Biden is just trying to help God get it right when he, Joe, says he's going to force nuns to violate God's teachings on contraception and abortion.  

Similarly when Joe endorsed redefining marriage and legitimizing the massively promiscuous gay lifestyle he was just helping God see that God's clear condemnation of active homosexuality, as opposed to people who suffer from same sex attraction whom God loves, is wrong.

I mean how could Joe be any more caring than to help God see and fix His mistakes?

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