Saturday, August 8, 2020

Was George Floyd murdered?

The answer is we don't know.

Here's what we do know:

  • The official autopsy said that there was no trauma to Floyd's neck that would have led to death
  • The autopsy paid for by Floyd's family says the official autopsy is wrong
  • He had an above minimal lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood
  • Bodycam video showed that Floyd, who was a huge man, resisted police efforts to put him in the police car
  • Bodycam video shows Floyd saying he can't breath before the officer put his knee on Floyd's neck
  • Floyd was clearly acting irrationally; his companion made a finger twirling gesture to that effect as well
  • We know that he was high

What we don't know

  • How hard was the officer pressing down on Floyd's neck?
  • Which autopsy is correct
  • In order to keep Floyd from running away what else could have been done?

So what can we conclude right now?

If the autopsy paid for by Floyd's family is right then the police were at the very least significant contributors to his death but if the official autopsy is correct then it's not clear they were.

If he died from his fentanyl overdose then unless it can be shown that the cops used excessive force and without that use of force Floyd would have lived we can't say the cops murdered him.

This is a lot like the Covington case; a single video seemed to unequivocally show one thing but as more information was discovered the "obvious" conclusion became less obvious.

The bottom line is that there's been a rush to judgements by Democrats who want to push the big lie that frequently kill innocent Blacks.

Multiple studies, including one by a Black Harvard professor, show that innocent Blacks are no more likely to be killed by cops than innocent white people are.

But Democrats need to distract Blacks from the fact that Democrats are racists who do nothing about thousands of Blacks being shot in Democrat run cities and who refuse to allow poor Black kids the same school choice rich white kids have.

Oddly the cops involved in Floyds death worked for radical leftist Democrats who run Minneapolis.  Yet somehow Trump is to blame for what the Democrat run police department did.

We need more information and we need to let the full investigative and judicial process play out.

Maybe the cop is a murderer, maybe he violated policy, maybe he honestly didn't think he was doing anything wrong. At this point we don't know.

Firing, charging, and arresting the cops was probably the right thing to do but that raises a question; what more could have been done?

Other than lynching the cops on the spot nothing.

Yet Democrats and BLM are acting as though this was the old Democrat run south where cops could kill Blacks with impunity.

How can it be evidence that America is systemically racist or that cops target Blacks when a cop who is alleged to have killed an innocent Black man is instantly fired and thrown into jail?

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