Wednesday, August 19, 2020

DNI says that China is interfering in the 2020 election for Joe Biden

The Director of National Intelligence says that China is a greater threat to the election than Russia and that China is working against Trump.

That makes sense since Joe Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese communists.  Joe went over to China with his son Hunter on Air Force 2 and Hunter came back with a deal to manage $1.5 billion of the Chinese Communists money.

That's why when Joe was VP he constantly defended China.

That's why when Joe was VP the US hemorrhaged jobs to China and little was done to stop China stealing American technology.

That's why when Joe was VP nothing was done about China's trade war against the US.  When Trump was elected China's average tariff on US goods entering China was 4 times the average US tariff on Chinese goods entering America.

Even now he refused to blame China for its deliberate lies about COVID19.  Instead he condemns Trump for pursuing a more vigorous policy to protect America from the China virus than he supported.

Remember Joe called Trump's travel ban on non-US citizens from China "xenophobic".

Oddly the same Democrats who were shouting about Russia spending a few hundred thousand dollars on the 2016 election are completely silent about China's efforts in 2020.

In fact Pelosi said that China's efforts aren't the same as Russia's. That's because Pelosi is all for any illegal aid that Democrats can get.

The only thing that matters to Democrat politicians is power over you. They know they're better than you and that they should be able to control every aspect of your life from how much soda you drink to what your religious beliefs are.

Hence like all fascists they're all for any sort of election fraud so long as it helps them.

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