Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Big Democrat school vouchers lie

The draft Democrat platform contains the following:

"And #Democrats oppose private school vouchers and other policies that divert taxpayer-funded resources away from the public school system."

That's a lie.  What happens is the money needed to educate each child goes with the child. So if a Black mother in Chicago wants to send her daughter to a Catholic school because there she'll get a decent education the money goes to the Catholic school.

But since the child goes to that school too it means that the public school gets less money but it has one less student so it really hasn't lost anything.

We know that public schools are failing Blacks in Democrat run cities. 

In Chicago for example 37% of elementary students failed to meet national norms in reading and 43% failed to do so in math.

That's especially troubling since the Chicago school board inspector general found extensive evidence of fraud; teachers giving students math formula's during tests for example. That means that the real test scores are probably worse.

When we look at Black students the situation is even worse.  More than half of white and asian students scored proficient or higher in reading while only 17.4% of Black students did. Latino's were a bit better, at 30%, but still significantly behind whites and asians.

Unless you're a racist you know that Black kids are just as smart, on average, as white kids so this result means that the public schools are failing students of color.

In light of that why wouldn't Black and Hispanic parents want to put their child in a private school where kids of color do much better?

But why do Democrats oppose this commonsensical approach; going so far as to call it "racist"?

The answer is simple the teacher's unions funnel untold millions in cash and "volunteer" help into Democrat campaigns.

Poor Blacks don't.

While taking kids away from the failed Chicago public school students would still leave those failed institutions with the same dollars per student they'd have fewer students which means fewer teachers.

The Democrat party platform is motivated by the only thing that Democrat politicians care about; power.

They don't care if Black and Latino kids don't get a good eduction so long as Blacks and Latino's keep voting Democrat.

They know that if they force the public schools to compete they'll lose the support of the teacher's unions, which unlike many teachers only cares about money not students, and so Democrat policy is designed to keep the teachers happy and Black kids uneducated.

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