Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kamala Harris doesn't believe that Joe Biden should be President: Kamala is the new Hillary edition

In April 2019 Kamala Harris said she believed the 8 women who said that Joe Biden sexually harassed them.

The fact that Joe's picked her for his VP means that either she was lying then or she thinks a serial sexual harasser would make a great president.

If she wasn't lying that pretty much drives a stake through the heart of the #MeToo movement and demonstrates beyond a doubt, as if after Democrats support of Bill Clinton there was a shred of doubt left, that to Democrats women are objects to be used not people to be loved.

Clearly the Democrats are saying that they don't care about sexual harassment unless by pretending to care it gets them more political power.

But it also says a lot about Kamala. What sort of woman would enable a serial sexual harasser?

Well Hillary of course.

What Kamala's decision tells us is that she puts power ahead of principle; she's willing to sell out her sisters if by doing so she becomes VP.

Just like Hillary was willing to attack the women that her husband preyed on because by riding his coattails she would eventually get power; first as a Senator and then as Secretary of State.

Do we really want a VP who will do or say anything to get more power; who isn't guided by some set of principles?

Even worse given Biden's obvious mental decline odds are that if he's elected his cabinet will invoke the 25th Amendment and have her replace him within months of the election.

So the question we face when voting in November is do we want a woman who will ignore her own sisters plight to run our country?

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