Monday, August 10, 2020

Democrats love pedophiles more than they love your kids

In order to protect pedophiles from the China virus the they've put some of them in a hotel which is only a block away from a public school.

Now De Blasio says that the level 3 offenders were but there by mistake and quickly removed.

Ok let's give him that; his government is incompetent.

But level 2 offenders, who are classified as "sexually violent" but who have no housing restrictions, remain.

It's unclear how a sexually violent offender can have no limitations on where the live but then it's De Blasio's New York.

The official De Blasio government statement is:

"No residency-restricted sex offenders are residing at this location. The City of New York places all clients in appropriate locations in accordance with State Law - and we provide shelter to New Yorkers experiencing homelessness regardless of background. This includes helping people rebuild their lives and grow through second chances as they get back on their feet. New Yorkers experiencing homelessness are our neighbors - and the notion that they are not welcome in some neighborhoods for any reason is an affront to basic decency. We don't discriminate based on people's previous experiences or backgrounds, and we will not create gated communities within our City - we extend a helping hand, no matter what. Now more than ever, these services and supports, this empathy and humanity, are essential, across all communities, across the five boroughs - and our commitment to providing them to those in need must be unwavering."

There you have it. The rights of convicted violent sexual offenders to "rebuild their lives and grow through second chances" outweighs any risk to your children.

De Blasio's New York is on record denying reality saying that people who have committed sex crimes shouldn't be considered likely to offend again.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics sexual offenders were 3 times more likely to be rearrested for sexual assaults than other released criminals(7.7% vs 2.3%) within a 9 year period.

But don't let that 7.7% make you feel comfortable. 66.9% of released sex offenders are arrested for some crime, including violent ones, within 9 years and 28.1% are arrested for violent crimes.  

While the New York government thinks that those folks make great neighbors I suspect you won't find many of them living near De Blasio's house.

In 2005 5% of the prisoners released had been convicted of sex offenses. They later accounted for 16% of arrests for rape or sexual assault during the next 9 years.  

The reality is that Democrats care more about rehabilitating sex offenders than they do about the safety of New Yorkers.

It's possible to locate sex offenders away from family dwellings and still give them a chance to reform and become honest citizens.

But apparently to Democrats the safety of citizens is not a factor they care about.

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