Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Postal union has endorsed Joe Biden and in 2016 workers broke the law to help the Clinton campaign

Democrats tell us that sending out millions of ballots to people that don't exist won't result in voter fraud.

That's because Democrats know it will result in voter fraud that will help them.

Having grown up in Chicago I know how Democrats work vis a vis voting fraud.

But oddly the #FakeNews media acts as though the Democrat machines in various cities just don't exist.

We know that Democrats work hard to make sure that illegal aliens can vote. For example in California Democrats have made sure of two things; illegal aliens can get drivers licenses and that everyone apply for a drivers license is ask if they want to register to vote.

Given that if an illegal alien says that they are a citizen when the computer asks them and that their claim is never checked, it's on the honor code, that means that the only thing standing between illegal aliens and voting is their honesty that means that a lot of illegal aliens are probably voting in California.

Remember those illegal aliens have already shown they're willing to break our immigration laws to get more money so why wouldn't they break our voting laws to vote in Democrats who are promising them all the benefits of citizenship?

Democrats have always been dishonest about voting. Back in 2016 for example Postal Union members took unpaid leave to campaign for Hillary--the union paid them. That would normally be ok but so many did so that Post Offices were understaffed.  Normally unpaid leave isn't allowed when it would leave post office branches with too few people but nothing was too good for Hillary.

Something like 130 counties in the US have more registered voters than there are people of voting age living in those counties.  The total excess in just those counties is over 2 million.  That means that  due to out of date voting rolls that include people who have died and people who have moved sending out ballots to everyone on the rolls will result in millions of ballots going through the mail to people who don't exist.

I know this is the case since I just got mail from the California government asking my daughter, who no longer lives with us, if she wanted to vote in perpetuity via mail.  If I were a dishonest Democrat I could have simply said yes and been able to cast two votes in November.

Now, with the Postal Union endorsing Joe Biden, we're told that of the millions of ballots Democrats are sending out to people who don't exist those same union members won't pick up a few and vote multiple times.

But you say that won't work since the signatures on those ballots will be checked. Problem is that Democrats are suing in battleground states to prevent those signatures being checked; saying it's voter suppression.

Nevada Democrats, in a late night session, have gone even further. They've allowed multiple ballots to be returned by one person with only one signature for all the ballots.

No one opposes individuals requesting mail in ballots if they feel unsafe going to the polling place but that's not what Democrats are calling for; they're calling for sending ballots to everyone on the voting rolls.

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