Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jemele Hill seems to support Black Genocide

Jesse Jackson used to talk about how abortion was genocide against Blacks.

Not surprising given that Black women abort at 3 times the rate of white women, 81% of Planned Parenthood "clinics" are in minority neighborhoods, the leading cause of death for Blacks is abortion, and his mother would have probably aborted him if abortion had been legal when he was in the womb.

He's changed his tune at the behest of the rich white folk who run the Democrat party who wouldn't let him run for President if he was pro-life.

But the reality is that Blacks are targeted by the abortion industry and the Democrats.  Democrat politicians have talked about if the government paid for abortions there would be fewer poor people on welfare and fewer criminals.  But when rich white folk talk about poor people and criminals they're usually not thinking about other whites but about Blacks.

Democrat politicians complain about any racial disparity except the abortion rate.

Hill recently compared the US to Nazi Germany.

Which is of course a comparison of slavery to the Shoah.  But while slavery was a horrible thing it's not the same as genocide.

But the deliberate targeting of Blacks by the abortion industry, Margret Sanger said Blacks were weeds, that is, as Jesse Jackson used to say, genocide.

So Hill supports the very real genocide against Blacks pushed by Democrat politicians and Planned Parenthood while trying to blame all Americans for the oppression of Blacks by Democrats in the past.

After all it was the Democrats who fought the Civil War for slavery, founded the KKK, passed the Jim Crow laws, and fought for slavery.  

Even worse it's Democrat politicians who are behind the slaughter of unborn Blacks.  

Yet Jemele is a big fan of Democrats and abortion.

Clearly to her Black lives matter only to the extent that they can be used to increase the power of the Democrat party.


Anonymous said...

A genocide has to be perpetrated by someone. Who is the perpetrator of this "Black Genocide"?

The (primarily Black) mothers are the ones choosing to terminate their pregnancies. But a "self-genocide" isn't a sensible concept. Even if it were they are certainly not terminating their pregnancies as part of a concerted effort to end their own race.

So maybe the perpetrator is...the Democrats? Planned Parenthood? But to believe this you need to think that the mothers are being duped into abortions by these organizations. Are mothers of other races immune? To believe this theory you have to think Black mothers are weak minded (and also believe a bunch of conspiracy theories about the intents of whatever organizations you think are duping the mothers).

So basically you're wrong, crazy or racist. Pretty typical.

trinko said...

Planned Parenthood, racist Democrats

Black women are enouraged to abort. PP targets them as they have since Margret Sanger founded the organization.

Whites aren't targeted.

But of course we can tell you're a racist because you're not bothered that Black women abort at 3x the rate of white women but I'm sure that every single other racial disparity you see bothers you.

Oh and good to know that you think that Jesse Jackson is wrong, crazy, or a racist

Anonymous said...

> but I'm sure that every single other racial disparity you see bothers you.

Black people buy more hair picks (hypothetically I have no source). Doesn't bother me at all.

Further being poor is much more strongly associated with higher abortion rates than race is. Living in adverse conditions increases the odds of unintended pregnancy which creates demand for abortions.

> Whites aren't targeted.

I'm white and I've seen plenty of media offering these services.

> But of course we can tell you're a racist because you're not bothered that Black women abort at 3x the rate of white women

If you actually cared about high levels of abortion you would favor improving sex ed (no abstinence only nonsense) and encouraging contraception use in this population. But I'm confident you oppose both. The catholic position is incoherent.

> Oh and good to know that you think that Jesse Jackson is wrong, crazy, or a racist

I disagree with him on a number of issues. Some combination of wrong and crazy probably.

Anonymous said...

To be clear: abortion is the symptom not the problem. It is good the abortions are happening but we should work to solve the root issues.