Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Democrats are saying Trump won't accept the election results because they're planning to steal it

All across America Democrat politicians are doing two things; they're warning that Trump won't accept the election results if he loses and they're engineering a massive voter fraud scheme.

Democrats, most recently in Nevada, are sending ballots to everyone on the voter rolls.

That sounds innocuous to people don't know, because the #FakeNews media never mentions it, that there are millions of dead people and people who have moved on those rolls.

I just recently got an offer from the State of California to vote for my daughter in perpetuity.  What I got was an invitation for my daughter to sign up for a lifetime of mail in ballots. It came to my house because that was her address when she lived, and voted, in California.

If I were dishonest I could send it back, say yes, and have two ballots each and every election.

On a more universal note there are around 130 counties in the US where the number of registered voters exceed the number of people of voting age who live in that county.  The cumulative excess is over 2,000,000.

When we take into account that no county has anything remotely approaching 100% registration the number of non-voters--because they've moved or died--it's not unlikely that there are millions more invalid entries on voter rolls.

But each and everyone of them will be sent a ballot in states where the Democrats are in charge.

That means that there will be millions of ballots available for voter fraud.

But you say "states check the signatures on ballots".  That is a problem. Which is why Democrat affiliated groups are suing battleground states to prevent them from checking signatures since that's "voter suppression".

What the Democrats plan to do in November is flood the country with invalid ballots and steal the election.

There is no other explanation for Nevada passing a law in the middle of the night which allows multiple ballots to be turned in with just one signature or for Democrat states sending out millions of ballots to people they know don't exist.

The only thing in the way of their plan is that if their criminality is exposed we the people might reject the election results.

To prevent that Democrat politicians and their propagandists in the #FakeNews media are saying that Trump is going to refuse to accept the election results and it'll take the military to remove him from office.

If the Democrat succeed in their ballot box stuffing plan Trump will say that the election results aren't valid until the illegal ballots can be sorted out.  If he does that Democrats will say "see we told you so Trump doesn't respect the results of the election".

It's time to recognize that Democrat politicians aren't honest Americans who differ with others about what the best solutions for America are.

Democrat politicians have been "resisting" the 2016 election and doing everything they can to sabotage Trump no matter the cost to we the people.

Democrat politicians are either silent about or supportive of riots and the use of force to silence voices they don't like.

Democrat politicians are racists who ignore the mass shooting of Blacks in Democrat run cities and who do all they can to deny Black kids decent educations.

Democrat politicians are fascists who believe that they should rule over us.

They will do anything to get power.  If you doubt that ask yourself why they're willing to shut down the economy and make you suffer because they think that you'll blame Trump and vote for Biden.

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