Friday, August 7, 2020

Democrat politicians hate you: Tylenol is 1500 times deadlier than Hydroxychlorquine edition

Here's the info on just how dangerous Hydroxychloroquine is compared to Tylenol:

To be fair these numbers aren't corrected for the number of people who use the drug but the CDC's own web site says that hydroxychloquine is safe, even for pregnant mothers, so the idea that its deadly is big lie.

If you're a parent you've undoubtedly gotten a lecture from your pediatrician that Tylenol can be deadly if you give your kids more than the prescribed dose for even a short time.

That's why it's not surprising that Tylenol is so much deadlier than Hydroxychloroquine.

Yet Democrats are telling us that it's horrible. 


Because Trump says it helps and if Trump said the sky was blue Democrats would say that shows that Trump is racist.

Also anything that would mitigate the need for shutting down the economy has to be fought since the only way Biden will win is if he's kept in seclusion and the economy is horrible.

One last thing. The same Democrats who are saying that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous are fine with women taking a truly dangerous drug that aborts their babies without a doctors supervision.

Killing babies justifies risking women's lives but helping people with the China virus has to be stopped; that seems to be the Democrat position.

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