Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Democrat plan to steal the 2020 election

For over 100 years the Democrat party has been the party of voter fraud and voter suppression.

JFK won in 1960 because of massive voter fraud in Chicago--which gave JFK Illinois-- and Texas.

Southern Democrats suppressed Black votes for decades.

The Democrat machines in cities like Chicago have used voter fraud to keep Democrats in power for nearly 100 years.

Democrat politicians want to rule over us not represent us because they know they're better than us.  That's why they're working hard to steal the 2020 election; they think it's their right to control every aspect of our lives from how much soda we drink to what our religious beliefs are.

Here are the key components of their plot:

1) Mail ballots to millions of people who don't exist:  Voter rolls are rarely kept up to date.  We know that there are millions of entries in those rolls that aren't real either because the person has moved or because they've died.

My daughter got an invite to vote by mail for life at my house even though she hasn't lived here for ages.  If Democrats have their way she'll get a ballot mailed to my house.

The opportunities for fraud are immense.  If I were a Democrat I could vote multiple times, once for every previous resident of my address whose name is still on the voting rolls.  Postal workers who know that no such person lives at that address could accumulate millions of ballots and vote them.

We know that Postal Union members broke the law in 2016 to campaign for Hillary so it's hardly unlikely that they would be willing to vote many times to help Joe Biden in 2020.

Note that no one is against voting by mail when it involves real people asking for a mail in ballot.  Honest people only object to sending out millions of ballots to people who don't exist.

2) Ensure that fraudulent ballots won't be caught:  In Nevada Democrats passed a law saying that one person could sign for dozens of ballots.  Ballots with no signatures can't be verified.

In many swing states Democrats are suing to prevent states from checking signatures. One leftists told me on Twitter that checking signatures was voter suppression.

Needless to say in Democrat controlled areas there will be no checking ballots that are marked for Joe. However remember that in the 2000 election in Florida Democrats did everything they could to disqualify ballots from soldiers overseas since soldiers tend to vote Republican.  Hence it's likely that Democrat controlled areas will deliberately disqualify Republican ballots.

3) Legalize ballot harvesting in Democrat majority areas:  With ballot harvesting one person goes and collects ballots from dozens of other people.  In California Democrats used illegal aliens for that.

Ballot harvesting has been illegal for a long time because it supports voter fraud.  For example the harvesters can offer to help fill in the ballot for people and they can only collect ballots that support their candidate.

Harvesters can lie to people who know so little about the election that they aren't going to bother to vote.  It's illegal to electioneer in a polling place but ballot harvesting turns peoples homes into polling places where Democrats can electioneer.

4) Have the #FakeNews media ignore voting fraud and say it never occurs:  This is part of the Democrats plan to deal with the scenario where their fraud is detected.  Just as they pretend that riots are peaceful protests they'll declare that if they're caught cheating it's all a lie.

5) Say Trump won't accept the election results:  Let's suppose Biden wins and there is evidence of massive voter fraud.  When Trump points out that the election isn't valid due to voter fraud the Democrats will say "see we told you so" pretending that Trump is resisting the results of an honest election rather than pointing out the Democrat's fraud.

6) Scaring older people who tend to vote Republican from voting by saying that the polling places aren't safe:  If it's safe for older people to go to the store it's safe for them to vote in person.

7) Endorsing Antifa and BLM:  People who live where the rioters have been allowed free reign know that they will be in physical danger if they vote for Trump. Just as Hitler used his brown shirts and Democrats in the past used the KKK to keep their opponents from voting modern Democrats are using Antifa and BLM.

You might ask what about the censorship and lies coming out of the #FakeNews media and the various social media companies?

Well that's propaganda which isn't the same as voter fraud.  It's equally noxious, it's like lying to Jews that Hitler was their friend so they'd vote for him, but it's a different category of Democrat dishonesty.

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