Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What does Joe Biden want for the soul of America?

He wants us to be able to kill unborn  babies for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

He wants to limit free speech to what Democrats like.

He wants all whites to admit they're racists.

He wants to massively increase how much of your money he gets to spend by increasing taxes.

He wants people to be forced to go against their deeply held religious beliefs.

He wants social media to censor people he doesn't agree with.

He wants to impose the ever changing morality of the Democrat party on society.

He wants us locked in our houses and afraid.

He wants the violence to continue.

Joe Biden is a man who believes, because he's Catholic, that abortion is the murder of an innocent human being yet he supports it fully.

When God's laws contradict the laws of the Democrat party Joe Biden sides with his party.

He is interested in the soul of America; but then so is Satan.

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